Pin and Nails
Pins and nails for different materials in different sizes and gauges. The correct choice of pins or nails makes the job efficient, safe and time-saving.

Pins 0.6mm 23 Ga
Headless pin nails for delicate and small applications and temporary woodwork such as holding pieces in place while the glue dries. The pin nails are headless therefore, they do not leave a mark on the surface. The range includes pin nails of different sizes, helping the user to find the right nail for the job.
Finishing Nails 1.2mm 18 Ga
18 Ga Finishing nails for conditions where a clean and precise mark is needed. They are suitale for use with decorative molding, paneling, casing, and trim work. The slimness of these finishing nails eliminates the need to sand or fill the holes.
Finishing Nails 1.6mm 16 Ga
16 Ga Finishing nails for situations when a stronger hold is needed. The are suitable for use in different types of construction work including exterior trim, flooring, casings, cabinets, and chair rails. 16 Ga nails are slightly thicker than 18 Ga nails and give a stronger hold.
Concrete Nails
Concrete nails for attaching metal studs and wood to concrete. Some nail packages come complete with a gas cartridge.
Paper Tape Framing Nails
Paper tape framing nails in various sizes and quantities. The nails are held together with a paper strip at a specific angle for framing nailers. Using Makita nails ensures the highest performance from the tool and minimises the chances of jamming.
Coil Nails
Coil nails are arranged in a circle connected by a metal piece. They are available with different coatings, in different sizes and in different quantities of nails. They are used with nail guns to continuously fire numerous nails in a short period of time. This makes them especially popular for roofing.
15 Gauge Angle Finishing Nails
15 Gauge Angle Finishing nails for a smooth and fast nail firing experience. Available in a range of different sizes. These nails permanently secure wood and reduce the need for glue.